My ideal Job

Dear Blog:

Today i will talk about my ideal job, but i not sure yet, maybe i would like to work with animals with behavior issues because i am going to dedicate my self to ethology, (for the people who didn't know what is the ethology, Ethology is the science that study the animal behavior) but in Chile to find job in this area is very difficult, so i will have to travel to another country if i want to work in this area. And then make a lot of researsh about the animal behavior and to be like Cesar Millan hahaha well or slightly similar. I like the Cesar Millan's work, it's wonderful how he helps animals and the animal's family too.
On the other hand i would like to dedicate my self to small animal clinic too, and to work in a Veterinary hospital, and otherwise to help animals, Curing his diseases or giving them a medical treatment to his problems of health.
I think that this last option is the most easy way for a Vet reciently graduate. Maybe is not like that, but is my opinion about this. Because a great percent of Graduate Veterinarian works in small animals clinic in Chile... For example in my neighborhood there is a heap of Veterinary clinics :S

Well nevertheless how i said in the beggining, i still don't know to dedicate my life.

Bye Blog.

My Favorite Subject

Dear Blog:

Today i will talk about my favorite subject... well i'm not really sure but i think that the subject that I like the most is Histology, allthoug I don't have good marks, I like it.
It's a very interesting subject but it's very difficult too, and it has become a challenge for me.
It's very fascinating to know how does an alive being originate, And how do all the parts of the body originate.
The duration of this subject is two terms, it is very long... and if I fail, i lose one year... that is terrible, So... i have to pass this subject, i can't lose another year.

However i don't want to pass this subject only for doing it, i wanna learn, i wanna know a lot of things about this subject-matter, but i don't want to be an expert either.

I just wanna be a Good student :P

I see you later dear blog!

My Hero

Dear blog:

Today i will talk about a person who is a Hero for me. Her Name is Mónica Irene Román and she was born on May 4, 1950
She was married on 1966 when she was only 16 years old and at the same age she had her first child, a girl called Monica Ivonne. One year after she had her second child, another girl, called Elizabeth.
Mónica didn't finish the high school but she knew how to get ahead, and she raised her daughters.
Nine years later, when her daughters were 10 and 9 years old, Mónica became pregnant again, this time it was a very difficult pregnancy, she Had her new born with only seven months of gestation... However she got ahead and Eduardo was born.
This family wasn't ever rich, and was very hard to go ahead. And the years were passing away.
When she thought that she had finished her task of raise... I was born >.< when Monica was 36 years old.
I know that this news was like a hit, nevertheless Mónica went on again...

She is my heroe, because she is a wonderful woman, she is a strong, brave, patient, comprehensive, and very loving mother.

Nowadays she is has diabetis, but her life never has been easy, and i think that this is only another obstacle in her life and i am sure that she can go on with this.

Mónica always has been a very strong woman...

I love you Mom.

My Life in the University

Dear Blog:
Some years ago i was studying for being a physical education teacher, i studied for 2 years, i don't know very well but something happened in my life...and i didn't want study that career more time. My life was a twister, a chaos... and i didn't know what i wanted for my future, i was lost for 1 year, i tried to think what i wanted to do a lot of times, then i decided to do a mix of the things that i like... the animals and the ciense. So i prepared my self for take the PSU and then apply for Veterinary Medicine. And Now here i am =) in my first year.
I like this place, it's so beautiful and i like so much the career although not all the teachers :P, well i think that is normal, however my plan is stay here and finish this way that i started, and become an excellent Vet.


David Guetta - The World is Mine

A Gift for my boy Friends :P

David Guetta Getting Over You

I Like this song... i hear it over and over again

Who is Me?

Well every day i ask to my self the same question... who i am? and Many Times i don't know what to say, i don't find the words for describe to me. I could say... i'm a woman, i'm a Veterinary Student i'm 23 years old, i have a Family, i have a dog, i have a partner... but all this is not enough, these words don't say much to me, and then i try to search again a new perception, but i fall in the same, just a poor description of me...
I don't know.... perhaps a better description would be: "i'm a woman with a child's soul and i love my family and i love my life, although it has been hard... The things were never easy for me but here i am... in the university that i wanted, and in the career that i chose"

Well dear Blog, i think that we'll be great friends.
Cya later. ;)

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